
About Our Members:
At 2nd Mile, being a member of the local gathering of believers is heavily emphasized. We believe in the importance of community and the power found in gathering as the body of Christ. Go ahead and take part in our New Members Class to get an idea about what you can expect from us as church leaders and what we would expect of you as church members.
To officially join the church, come worship with us on a Sunday morning at 9:00 am or 11:00 am, and find one of our leaders during the invitation.

children's ministry
There's something for everyone here at 2nd Mile, including our little ones! Newborns up to 5th grade have dedicated services on Sundays, as well as special events like VBS and our annual Fall Festival. Let us know down below if you'd like more information or would like to volunteer!

worship ministry
It's our Worship Director's mission to facilitate an environment where people feel comfortable to be led by the Holy Spirit in worship. Through intimate thanksgiving and powerful praise, we strive to build a place where God can work in the hearts of people as we gratefully respond to his presence.

church ministry
At 2nd Mile, our mission is simple- "Come to Worship, Depart to Serve." We want to have a presence so powerful in the community, our city experiences a complete revival. If you'd like to join our team of volunteers or want to learn more about our ministries (women's. men's, small groups, etc.), let us know by clicking down below!

media ministry
In order to execute our Sunday services, there is a group of men behind the scenes helping it flow smoothly and getting our message out to a big audience through social media every week. If you're interested in volunteering or would like more information, let us know by clicking the button below!